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Maanshanshi Davedew precision tool co.,ltd

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China CNC machine tool industry development must have Chinese characteristics

Release time:2020-02-27     Time to browse

  Chinese numerical control machine tool industry should take the development road that has its own characteristic, the key is to want to quicken take the enterprise as the main body, market as the guidance, the technical innovation system construction that industry studies research unifies.

  First, we should support the machine tool industry to form a technology innovation system.

  According to the high-grade CNC machine tool development needs, in the machine tool industry in a planned way to establish for the auto industry automation equipment, precision compound stamping machine to form a large, super precision grinding, special processing, high-grade CNC machine tools and CNC system performance test center and other five national engineering research center and national laboratories, to consolidate and develop around 30 state-level enterprise technology development center, Responsible for the development of technologies and products in the fields of CNC precision machine tools, forming machine tools, small CNC machine beds, CNC gear machine tools, electrical machining machines, machining centers and flexible units, CNC heavy machine tools, CNC tools, digital flow meters, functional components, CNC systems, flexible manufacturing lines, etc.

  Secondly, the implementation of "demand oriented, main engine traction, key breakthrough, surface propulsion" technical line.

  High-grade CNC machine tool new product development project to the actual needs of market users as a basis, the common and key technology and the development of functional parts to the development of the main engine for traction, to meet the needs of the main engine for the fundamental purpose. Strengthen the commonness of number control machine tool and crucial technology such as high speed change technology, intelligent technology, compound change technology and environmental protection technology to attack pass, commonness and crucial technology attack pass must want to develop with high-grade numerical control machine tool for main attack target, raise whole machine reliability and industrialization level.


Next:Analysis of tool market structure out of control and tool market transformation

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